Soldiers For Jesus M.C. has chapters across the US. We are open open to discussing and sharing the Lord with everyone we encounter.
Soldiers For Jesus M.C. has chapters across the globe. For information regarding these chapters please reach out to the chapter nearest you.
Our chaplains council is comprised of a group of men who lead our club from a spiritually grounded perspective that serve to guide and advise leadership and stretch us as Godly men seeking Him in everything we do.
Life members represent a core group of members that server to lead the next generation of Soldiers. These members represent Soldiers who are committed to the Lord and the club, and these members exemplify what it means to be a Soldier for Jesus. They seek to share their wisdom and guidance.
Our Forever chapters is a memorial of those brothers who have been called home. Having served the Lord faithfully and represented the club, they are honored and remembered.
Holy Thunder Saloons are gathering places that are set up and run by local Soldier chapters. They may be clubhouses or just someones garage, but at their core they represent the origin and intent of the church and create a space for gathering, fellowship, and growing closer to God.